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Indicators of Feeding Value
Metabolisable energy (ME)(MJ/kg DM)
Metabolisable energy estimates the amount of energy silage will provide the ruminant for production as well as maintenance.
It is influenced more by the quality of grass at harvesting rather than efficiency of fermentation.
Good silage is expected to have a ME between 11 - 12 MJ/ kg DM.
Crude protein (CP) (% or g/kg DM)
In silages, CP is mainly in the form of degradable protein which will be used by rumen microbes.
High protein levels will indicate high level of nitrogen in the harvested grass, usually due to late fertiliser applications.
This will have negative effects on fermentation.
Good quality grass silage will have an average CP values ranging from 12 - 16%.
Neutral detergent fibre (NDF)(% or g/kg DM)
NDF measures the fibre or plant cell wall material in the silage.
Fibre in the silage influences the rate of digestion by the animal and thus the level of intake.
The higher the NDF, the lower the intake.
It is important to supply the animals with long fibre (more than 1 cm) in order to keep rumen functioning correctly.
There needs to be a balance between digestibility and sufficient fibre supply.
Good silage will have 45 - 50% NDF.
Potential intake
Most analysis will give a rough estimation of intake based on fermentation characteristics as well as feed value of sample.
Maize and fermented wholecrop silage
In general, maize and fermented wholecrop silage varies widely. Hence, it is important to analyse them before adding them to the cow's diet.
Good indicator for maize silage quality is starch content between 25 - 35%.
For fermented wholecrop, DM of 35 - 45% is important to have 15 - 25% starch.
If starch levels are too high for maize and fermented wholecrop, it is crucial to formulate the diets to prevent acidosis.
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