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Boost is an energy supplement made from pure fatty-acid product obtained by fractionation of palm fat. The fatty acids are split off specifically from the fat molecules and sprayed to form a dry, free-flowing fat powder
What Is Boost?
Boost consists of predominantly long-chain saturated fatty acids, unlike other energy supplement made from fractionated palm fat or calcium salt (or soap) of palm fatty acids.
This makes it resistant to fast oxidation and spoilage.
It also has a high melting point of 58ºC.
Trial Test Results
For comparison with the zero control, 2% PureBoost (percentage of the dry feed weight) were added as a supplement.
As a result of this supplementation the fat content of the milk increased from 3.88% to 4.18%.
This represents a highly significant increase in the quantity of milk fat from 1.23 kg to 1.33 kg per cow and day.
Correspondingly the milk quantity, 3.5% FCM, also increased significantly by 1.7 kg per day
Economic evaluation of the use of PureBoost in US $
The table shows a comparison between control and PureBoost. With the addition of 2% PureBoost to the dry feed, the production of FCM was higher with PureBoost.
This also shows that although the feed uptake of the PureBoost group was lower than in the control group, PureBoost enables the cows to meet their energy requirements with a smaller feed uptake.
The economic evaluation of the trial on the basis of prices at the time of the trial shows that the addition of PureBoost offers a definite economic benefit.
In order to verify these results, a second trial was carried out with identical usage levels (2% PureBoost). This led to significantly higher values for PureBoost with 4% more milk, 3% more FCM, 3% more ECM and 3% more protein.